Reality Check

No less than a week after the Metropolitan of Boston evaded the awaiting parishioners of St. Athanasius at Logan Airport , he emerged from his five week silence to 'shed light' on the issue that he created by dismissing Fr. Nicholas Kastanas from the St. Athanasius parish in Arlington. The Metropolitan chose to do this on a Sunday morning, as people were waking up to attend Sunday services. You would have thought that at a moment like this, and after having created havoc at the parish, he would have the wisdom to chose a forgiving and conciliatory tone towards his 'Brothers and Sisters in the Lord' to whom the letter was addressed. Instead, the letter that was posted on the St. Athanasius website, took no prisoners! In his opening paragraph the Metropolitan starts his tirade of ' setting the record straight' by accusing of ' a ceaseless, multi-pronged attack relying on aggressive social media and other forms of intimidation and misinformation ...