
Showing posts from November, 2017

Web of Deceit: Who do you Trust?

In an unprecedented  moral low  the Metropolis of Boston  posted on their web site  an open invitation for all to partake in their  murderous character assassination  of Fr. Nicholas Kastanas, a faithful servant of the Lord and beloved priest for over 30 years. Serious matters involving Orthodox priests,  seemingly 'obedient'  to the various Metropolis's  Despots, and dealing with sexual abuse of children, stolen parish moneys to pay for mistresses,  pictures of priest's genitals shared with parishioners, and hot-tubs of naked priests with their deacons  have been 'handled' for years silently and behind the scenes  (or should we say behind the long black robes ) of the responsible Orthodox hierarchs,  On the other hand, Fr. Nick has been put on public shameful display directed by a  web kangaroo court  where the jury-judge and executioner are one and the same , Metropolitan Methodios, Chancellor Barbas a...